This web-page is created to discuss, talk, and provide you with useful material and deep insights about the most promising and influential technologies that are going to shape the future . These technologies are listed below: 1- Internet of Things (IoT) 2- 5th Generation and Beyond Mobile Communication (XG and Beyond) 3- Artificial Intelligence (AI) 4- BlockChain (BC) 5- Physical Layer Security (PLS) or Wireless Security (WS) 6- Wireless Sensing (WS) 7- Bio-resonance & Radio-biology
If you're thinking of starting a business, you should know how to write a business plan, it is usually observed that, despite having a great startup idea, most businesses are not successful. According to common statistics, within the first five years of operations, ninety percent of businesses fail and of the remaining ten percent only one of the ten businesses last past, the first five years. So what makes some businesses fail while others prosper? There may be several reasons, including, but not limited to or customer service, poor logistics and cost management and inadequate product. But the major reason is the lack of a business plan. Business plans help define goals and achieve them. If you take out time to set concrete but achievable goals and chart a plan to success, it can help you realize your dream and make your business flourish. I have compiled an all-inclusive list of areas that need to be considered while writing a business plan. These will help you in defining your g...